Hi Bloggers,
Today I experience you a special peace of 3D world which is
innovated over the digital universe for years. Technically we called it as
virtual worlds. 3D reproduction of real world has been engaged a lots of
research studies in past years but it is commercial and end user stage now.
More specialized versions of 3D worlds are famous as same as the well-known
social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter. Those social platforms are
limited see news updates, voice or textual commutation, etc. Same features are available in virtual worlds
but it also allows user to become immersed in a 3D simulated world. That is the
major motivation behind3D virtual worlds.
Virtual Seminar in Second Life |
There are large growth of 3D virtual worlds for social networking
World, OsGrid
and Second Life.Second
Life is the massively growing online virtual among others. It is used as a
platform forday today needs of human being.
SL interactive environment
When comparing active user statics of second life, it has
over 1 million where Facebook has over 1.8 billion users. One of biggest
barrier for having such gap is that users still need more resources and specific
software installation to experience virtual social networking. Usually users
need a good Graphic card in computer to simulate graphics. And users are
required to install 3rd party viewers like, Second Life client or Hippo OpenSim viewer. 3D
scene has much data overhead than viewing a webpage so that good internet
connectivity is also required. Second Life is propriety platform so that many
features are on demand for payments.
You will have your 3D representation which is called ‘Avatar’
in the simulation. Due to this fascinating interactive environment users can do
their imaginary thinking. It is also created a business platform over 3D
interactive virtual worlds.
Users can
dress up avatars, visiting world famous cities, do adventures,
education, shopping, interacting with people from different cultures and make
relationships. Therefore users are also called residence in virtual worlds. This
is one of the reasons that organizations and business communities tend to
recreate their business presence in Second Life.
Fantacy in SL
Usage of virtual worlds as developers
There are open source platforms for creating virtual worlds
yourself and populated it online. OpenSim is the best free and open source
server platform for hosting virtual worlds.If you are new to OpenSim it is
better to understand the simulation process in standalone mode first. When you
are using OpenSim as a simulation engine you will have a good community support
with strong documentation. Meantime you can reuse huge number of virtual objects and regions which are already created by developers.
Here are the steps of configure OpenSim in Windows.
First you have to solve certain dependencies which OpenSim
requires. Latest .NET Framework 3.5 is required for windows.
Download the latest OpenSim simulator
Unzip the package and go to /bin.
In bin folder you will find OpenSim
launcher. (32-bit version of Windows:
OpenSim.exe and 64-bit version of Windows: OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe)
As you are running the OpenSim for first time
you have to set up a region and a user account. Give the proper answerer in the
command prompt. These settings are written in to /bin/Region/Reagons.ini file.
New region name – This is the name for your
Region UUID – Unique ID of your region. You can
keep the default value.
Region Location – This is the location of your
region in the grid. You can safely leave these as the default (1000, 1000).
Internal IP address / Port – IP address and Port
to connect to your region.
One here onwards you can leave other parameters
as default. But if you are using OpenSim 0.7 or later you need to create an
estate manager account. In standalone mode you will ask to create an state
manage account. Don’t forget the account
of the master avatar (in 0.6.9) or the estate manager (in 0.7 and later). These
user accounts allow you to configure the in-world settings for your region and
you can use the account to perform your initial login test. In addition to that
you can create a user with ‘create user’ command other than an estate manager.
There are many 3rd party viewers to connect with OpenSim and
view your region. Install one of them on your pc and lunch the viewer program.
Before connecting make sure the server ‘OpenSim.exe’ is up and running. Enter
first name, last name and password of the user account.
Congratulations..!!! You just successfully log on to your
own world. Now you can build up your own imaginations of your virtual arena.